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Increase in energy efficiency of plant heating system

Indorama Ventures achieves noninvasive flow measurement of thermal oil

The Indorama Ventures unit in Recife, Brazil, sought to enhance the energy efficiency of their PET production plant's heating system by measuring the volumetric flow of thermal oil (260 °C/500 °F) returning to the heater. The primary challenge was the need to interrupt operations to make this improvement. However, thanks to the noninvasive high-temperature sensors of Proline Prosonic Flow P 500 from Endress+Hauser, Indorama Ventures was able to effectively overcame these obstacles.

Entrance of the Indorama Ventures Brazil site Indorama Ventures

Entrance of the Indorama Ventures site in Recife, Brazil

Prosonic Flow P 500 high-temperature sensors installed at Indorama Ventures in Recife, Brazil ©Endress+Hauser

Prosonic Flow P 500 high-temperature sensors

The result

  • Increase in energy efficiency of the plant’s heating system and thus cost reduction

  • No process interruption for installation thanks to noninvasive measurement

  • No energy loss due to completely insulated equipment after commissioning

Logo of Indorama Ventures

"Now we have stable and reliable measurements and are able to reduce costs in energy for heating the oil based on the total volume of oil returning to the heater.”

Tiago Melo, Project Engineer
Indorama Ventures, Brazil

The customer requirement

The volume of thermal oil returning to the heater significantly affects energy costs. Indorama Ventures faced challenges in implementing direct flow measurement due to the need to halt constant plant operations and the difficulty of measuring high-temperature oil (260 °C/500 °F). Despite these obstacles, achieving accurate flow measurement is crucial for energy efficiency.

Our solution

Proline Prosonic Flow P 500 from Endress+Hauser provides a noninvasive solution for measuring high-temperature fluids up to 550 °C (1022 °F) without the need to stop operations or modify piping. This ultrasonic clamp-on flowmeter ensures accurate and reliable measurements with minimal installation costs and can be fully thermally insulated to prevent thermal bridges.

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