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Product picture resistance thermometer TH13

Modular RTD thermometer, US style

Best in class temperature measurement technology for general applications

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    • Special Documentation (SD)

    Device viewer

    English version - 07/2021

    New version available in English

    Technical documentation in other languages

    • EU Declaration

    Product family: Low cost RTD general purpose, Process RTD direct contact, Process RTD direct in contact, Process RTD general purpose , Process RTD heavy duty, Process RTD hygienic, Process TC direct contact, Process TC direct in contact, Process TC general purpose, Process TC heavy duty, RTD thermometer, TC heavy duty

    English version - 02/2024

    New version available in English

    Product root: TAF11-, TAF12D-, TAF12S-, TAF12T-, TAF16-, TC10-, TC12-, TC13-, TC15-, TC61-, TC62-, TC63-, TC65-, TC66-, TC88-, TEC42 0-, TH11-, TH12-, TH13-, TH14-, TH15-, TH17-, TH18-, TH27-, TH51-, TH52-, TH53-, TH54-, TH55-, TH56-, TM101-, TM111-, TM112-, TM121- , TM131-, TM151-, TM152-, TM401-, TM402-, TM411-, TM412-, TMT142C-, TMT142R-, TMT162C-, TMT162R-, TR10-, TR11-, TR12-, TR13-, TR15-, TR24-, TR25-, TR44-, TR45-, TR46-, TR47-, TR48-, TR61-, TR62-, TR63-, TR65-, TR66-, TR88-, TSC310-, TSM187-, TSM487-, TST187-, TST3 10-, TST40N-, TST410-, TST414-, TST41N-, TST434-, TST434B-, TST487-, TST602-, TST90- Declaration number: EC_00136_04.24

18 documents
    • Technical Information (TI)

    RTD TH13, TH14 and TH15

    • Technical Information (TI)
    English version - 01/2023
    New version available in English

    RTD assemblies in thermowells with spring loaded insert and enclosure
    for process industry

    • Short Instruction (KA)

    TH13 Compact instructions

    • Short Instruction (KA)
    English version - 02/2013
    New version available in English

    RTD Assembly in thermowell

    • Certificates FM/CSA (ZD)

    Control Drawing CSA Intrinsically Safety, Nonincendive THxx, Txx Series, TU111, TU121, TU211, TU221

    • Certificates FM/CSA (ZD)
    English version - 11/2006
    New version available in English

    Installation Notes for Hazardous Locations

    • Special Documentation (SD)

    Device viewer

    • Special Documentation (SD)
    English version - 07/2021
    New version available in English

    Technical documentation in other languages

    • PU (Publication)

    Utility savings concepts for the food and beverage industry

    • PU (Publication)
    English version - 02/2024
    New version available in English

    Innovative instrumentation, comprehensive energy
    management, and robust energy reduction strategies
    benefit food & beverage processors by providing lower
    operational cost savings, increased brand perception
    and achievement of sustainability goals.

    • PU (Publication)

    Koncepce úspor užitných látek pro potravinářský a nápojový průmysl

    • PU (Publication)
    Czech version - 07/2024
    New version available in English

    Inovativní přístrojové vybavení, komplexní energetika
    řízení a robustní strategie snižování energie

    • Fields of Activities (FA)


    • Fields of Activities (FA)
    German version - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Thermometer und Transmitter für die Prozessindustrie

    • Fields of Activities (FA)

    Misura della temperatura

    • Fields of Activities (FA)
    Italian version - 07/2024
    New version available in English

    Misura della temperatura
    Termometri e trasmettitori per l'industria di processo

    • Fields of Activities (FA)

    Temperature measurement

    • Fields of Activities (FA)
    English version - 05/2023
    New version available in English

    Thermometers and transmitters for the process industry

    • Fields of Activities (FA)

    Mesure de température

    • Fields of Activities (FA)
    French version - 12/2019
    New version available in English

    Capteurs et transmetteurs de température pour les industries de process