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Introducing: iTHERM MultiSens multipoint portfolio

Multipoint RTD and thermocouple thermometer family for oil & gas and chemical applications

Publiceringsdato: 17.06.2018

Increasing process safety and performance

Committing to the challenging task of optimizing temperature measurement in oil & gas, petrochemical and chemical applications without compromising process safety, iTHERM MultiSens multipoint thermometers set out to offer all the benefits of specially engineered, custom-made assemblies while drastically reducing the complexity and length of the entire process from quotation to project delivery.

Diagnostics for higher process transparency

A unique multi-barrier safety concept adds a vital containment layer for high-pressure, high-temperature and corrosive environments. The advanced diagnostic chamber also enables operators to identify, evaluate and predict potentially dangerous process conditions.

Configuration made easy

The unique Endress+Hauser online configuration tool streamlines the process of laying out and configuring multipoint temperature solutions. What previously used to be a complex and lengthy process has now been set up for maximum ease, availability and speed. The digital platform also provides quick insights into what options are available to operators to further boost their temperature measurement capabilities and to increase plant efficiency.

At your service - worldwide

Endress+Hauser offers complete service packages tailored to customer requirements. The extensive offering delivered by dedicated and experienced service teams includes consulting, project management, site inspection, special tests (leakage, high temperature, hydraulic), supervision, installation and commissioning, maintenance, calibration, replacement for greenfield and brownfield projects and more.


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