Samarbejd med os om at finde den rette balance mellem overholdelse af regler og effektivitet
I dag gælder det mere end nogensinde før, at vand- og spildevandsindustrien skal finde en balance mellem forbedring af vandsikkerheden og stadig mindre budgetter. Med blikket rettet mod fremtiden forpligter vi os til at hjælpe dig med at beskytte, bevare og optimere processer. Ved at forene et innovativt udvalg af måleinstrumenter, ekspertydelser og industriekspertise har Endress+Hauser tillid til, at vi kan hjælpe dig med at opnå dine driftsmål gennem hele vandcyklussen.
Oplev succeshistorier fra vores kunder
Increasing water efficiency
Increase water efficiency by optimizing the cleaning processes, reducing the COD load and reusing the vapor water from the drying process. Discover how reliable process data help DMK Group.
50% less precipitant - 100% reliability and cooperation
IDEA achieved tremendous cost savings through continous monitoring with the CA80PH Analyzer at their site in Wallonia
Focused on the future
ProRheno AG aims to meet future requirements with the expansion and modernization of the Basel wastewater treatment facility. Endress+Hauser is one of the partners in this large-scale project.
An automated system for pH measurements at AVR
AVR Waste in Botlek, Rotterdam, processes up to 1.7 million tons of residual waste per year. Discover how they optimized their pH measurement thanks to Endress+Hauser
Safe phosphate elimination with minimal effort
Thanks to Endress+Hauser the Wastewater treatment plant in Breuberg meets legal requirements and ensures safe phosphate elimination.
Safeguarding health with clean water
To ensure that limit values for drinking water are complied with at all times, NSI-Technik supports the pathology department of Würzburg University Hospital with a disinfection panel
Free chlorine measurement for monitoring water disinfection
Analytical measurement solution for ideal dosing of chlorine in drinking water plants. Ensure safe disinfection and optimized dosing to guarantee health of the consumers and save costs in operations
Steam in process industries
Learn about Steam in Chemical, Oil & Gas, Metal industries and meet the experts.
Ensuring quality and legislation compliance throughout the water cycle
We provide reliable and accurate instrumentation for critical measuring points to ensure quality and legislation compliance for all water and wastewater applications. As a trusted partner with industry expertise, we deliver consistent performance and peace of mind with our online monitoring and early warning systems, cybersecurity protocols and risk management strategies.
Kvalitet & overensstemmelse
Spildevandsovervågning for mikrobiologisk kontaminering
Kvalitet & overensstemmelse
Solutions for clean water and sanitation
Kvalitet & overensstemmelse
Overvågning af drikkevandskvalitet
Optimize processes
Our digital solutions are distinguished by the optimization of processes through remote monitoring and efficient data management. We reduce primary water losses with reliable flow and pressure measurement across distribution networks. By using device insights, maintenance is optimized to ensure equipment operates at peak performance levels, enhancing reliability and longevity. Our offering enables reduced energy consumption in aeration control and optimize chemical dosage, promoting sustainable operations and cost savings.
Beluftning i forbindelse med spildevandsbehandling
Wastewater sludge treatment
Vandbehandling med membranfiltrering
Services til vandværker og rensningsanlæg
Foster simplicity
With our modular instrumentation platforms designed to support standardization and ease of handling we foster simplicity. From selection through to commissioning, our solutions streamline processes, ensuring seamless integration and operational efficiency. With a broad communication protocol offering, we reduce wiring complexity and costs, promoting cost-effective installations. Boost efficiency through implementing digital opportunities offered from a single source supplier.
Smart vandstyring
Meet budget and deadlines with project management
As a reliable partner, our experienced and skilled PMI-certified project managers ensure timely planning and execution. With a broad instrumentation portfolio and local approvals, we can meet project requirements easily. Professional engineering tools support precise design and implementation, optimizing workflow. Experienced service experts and a global support network deliver comprehensive assistance, ensuring projects stay on track and achieve success seamlessly.
Main Instrument Vendor (MIV)
Process solutions for water & wastewater
Zero loss - Our cutting-edge quantitative approaches, technologies and process knowhow offer increased productivity and unlock OPEX reductions to help you hit your KPIs.
Quality & Compliance - Ensure water and discharge water quality levels meet environmental and legislative standards with our enhanced monitoring capabilities.
Operational Digital Enhancement - From operational efficiency to optimized maintenance, extract the maximum performance from your plant assets into your digital future.
Se vores seneste branchenyheder og -innovationer til vand og spildevand!
Local informations
Relaterede emner
Endress+Hauser's biogasmåler er førende på det danske marked
Endress+Hauser har solgt over 150 biogasmålere siden lanceringen i 2012.
Relaterede emner
Nu kører Mariagerfjord Renseanlæg højeffektivt
Mariagerfjord Renseanlæg blev officielt indviet mandag den 11.11.2013 kl. 11.00 på en solrig dag, hvor det nye og flotte anlæg kunne vise sig fra den bedste side.
Relaterede emner
Endress+Hauser holder styr på vandkvaliteten i Varde
Varde Forsyning A/S har for nylig udskiftet alt måleudstyr i det lokale vandværk, da det eksisterende var gammelt og nedslidt efter 35 års drift. Valget af leverandør faldt dengang som nu på Endress+Hauser
Leder du efter mere?
Vand er vores liv
En partner, du kan stole på til optimering af dine vandprocesser
Portfolio brochure for the water and wastewater industry
Portfolio brochure for the water and wastewater industry. Overview around our industry offering from products, services, solutions, digitalization up to customer statements.
Du kan nemt og bekvemt selv vælge og dimensionere det rette måleinstrument til den relevante applikation. For at finde det rigtige instrument, skal du blot indtaste kendte parametre eller vælge den industri, instrumentet skal anvendes i.
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