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Gateways & modems

Gateways & modems, quick and simple access to field device and network data

Quick and simple access to field device and network data

Gateways and modems are system components that provide easy access to field device and network data. A modem provides a protocol conversion, e.g. HART/USB or FF/Bluetooth, and is used with a handheld configurator or computer. A gateway provides a parallel network access point for, e.g. device configuration software (FieldCare). In addition to the protocol conversion, gateways offer additional functions, e.g. network and device status monitoring, which can be viewed with a
standard web browser.

7 Produkter
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Gateways & modems

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Operating principle

Modems and gateways provide protocol conversions, allowing software on computers or handhelds to talk directly to field devices. A modem provides a point-to-point connection: on one side the field device and on the other, depending on modem, a USB computer port or Bluetooth wireless interface. A gateway is a system component and connects the Ethernet port of a computer to any fieldbus device in the network. Device configuration software or a web-browser on the computer controls device access.


  • Simple connection to devices in the field
  • Quick and easy commissioning of field devices
  • Network and device status monitoring (gateways)
  • Concise device diagnosis to NAMUR NE 107 standards (gateways)
  • Remote monitoring and maintenance via web-browser (gateways)