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Device configuration tablets

Device configuration tablets for commissioning and maintenance of field devices

Device configuraton tablets

The Field Xperts are universal, high-performance device configuration tablet PCs for hazardous (Ex Zone 1 and 2) and non-hazardous areas. They provide easy access to Endress+Hauser and third-party field devices. Designed for use with all digitally communicating field devices, these tablets help to set up, troubleshoot and analyze devices. Connect them to our digital services Netilion Analytics and Netilion Library to start digitalizing your plant.

4 Produkter
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Basiskode SMT70
Navn Field Xpert SMT70
Produktstatus In phase out
Udfasningsdato 3/2025
Bestil stop 4/2025
Reservesensor indtil not applicable
Kalibrering indtil not applicable
Tilgængelighed af reservedele not applicable
Reparation indtil not applicable
Nyt alternativ SMT70B
Råd om vedligeholdelse

Device configuration tablets

Our product finder helps you to search for suitable measuring devices, software or system components via product characteristics. Applicator leads you through an individual product selection via application parameters.

Operating principle: Device connection

The Field Xpert can access field devices in various ways. Make a point-to-point connection directly on the device or from the control cabinet using a suitable USB or Bluetooth interface. In addition, it is possible to access a specific gateway to establish a point to-bus connection and thus access several devices via one entry point. To access devices wirelessly, a Wi-Fi access point is required in the system or it is also possible to access individual devices via a wireless hotspot.

Configuration software Field Xpert

Field Xperts are open Windows tablets equipped with software configuring field devices with digital communication. It is equipped with a DTM library of over 2700 DTM's - Endress+Hauser and third-party drivers for an out-of-the-box experience, unique in the market. In addition to device configuration, this enables device diagnostics according to the NAMUR NE 107 standard. There is also a free monthly automatic DTM update as Endress+Hauser releases new DTMs.

Connection to Netilion services

A simple connection to our digital services Netilion Analytics and Netilion Library allows automatic digitalization of the system and storage of device configuration reports in a central location.


  • Save time with the simple to use, touch-optimized modern user experience
  • Reduce cost using a single device for HART, PROFIBUS, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, Modbus and Endress+Hauser specific service interfaces
  • One-click, fast connection to devices thanks to automatic hardware detection
  • Improve compliance: create configuration and Heartbeat Verification reports, show the echo curve and more
  • Improve efficiency through pre-installed device driver libraries for all important industrial protocols and automatic update for new Endress+Hauser drivers