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Tablet PC Field Xpert SMT50

Field Xpert SMT50

Universal, high-performance tablet PC for device configuration

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    2 MP camera on the front
    5 MP camera or better, on the rear


The Field Xpert SMT50 tablet PC for universal device configuration supports various protocols, the Endress+Hauser service protocols and connection to Endress+Hauser Bluetooth field devices. Field devices can be connected directly via suitable interface, e.g. a modem (point-to-point) or a bus system (point-to-bus) or wireless (WLAN/Bluetooth). The Field Xpert software package is fast, easy and intuitive to use. Its device library has more than 3000 pre-installed device and communication drivers.

The Field Xpert SMT50 tablet PC for device configuration enables mobile plant asset management in non-hazardous areas. It is suitable for commissioning and maintenance. It manages Endress+Hauser and third-party instruments with a digital communication interface and documents the progress of the work. The SMT50 is designed as a complete solution. It comes with a pre-installed driver library and is an easy-to-use, touch-enabled tool for managing field devices throughout their entire life cycle.


  • Robust tablet with large 12" display and a battery runtime of up to 8 hours.

  • Touch-enabled device configuration software for optimized asset management.

  • Direct link to Netilion, Endress+Hauser's IIoT ecosystem.

  • Pre-installed device driver libraries for all of the important industrial protocols.

  • Fast connection to devices with a single click thanks to automatic hardware detection. Online application software and DTM/Drivers update service offers new functionality and maximum security.

  • Integrated Heartbeat Verification incl. PDF documentation.

  • Connection to Endress+Hauser Bluetooth and WLAN devices - perfect for difficult-to-access instruments.


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FLEX: Extended ©Endress+Hauser
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