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Gamma Source FSG61 - Radiometric measurement

Radiometric level and
density measurement
Gamma Source FSG61

Gamma radiation source (60Co) for radiometric level, point level, density and interface measurement

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7 dokumenter
    • Tekniske oplysninger (TI)

    Radiation source FSG60 and FSG61

    • Tekniske oplysninger (TI)
    Engelsk version - 07/2022
    New version available in English

    Radiometric level measurement

    • Specialdokumentation (SD)

    QGx, FQGx, FSG6x

    • Specialdokumentation (SD)
    Engelsk version - 06/2020
    New version available in English

    Returns: Source containers, gamma radiation sources

    • Specialdokumentation (SD)

    Handling Instructions for Radioactive Sources

    • Specialdokumentation (SD)
    Engelsk version - 01/2021
    New version available in English

    Handling Instructions
    Definitions, Safety and Handling Instructions for Radioactive Sources
    and Radioactive Solutions

    • Whitepaper (WP)

    Whitepaper - Radiometric Solutions

    • Whitepaper (WP)
    Engelsk version - 11/2017
    New version available in English

    Technologies for Desalters

    • Eksplosionsbeskyttelse

    Product family: Cerabar M, Cerabar S, Deltabar M, Deltabar S, Deltapilot M, Deltapilot S, Gammapilot, Gammapilot M, Levelflex, Liqui cap M, Liquiphant, Liquiphant FailSafe, Liquiphant M, Liquiphant S, Micropilot, Solicap M, Strahlenschutzbehälter, Strahler

    • Eksplosionsbeskyttelse
    Tysk version - 10/2020
    New version available in English

    Product root: FMB50-, FMB51-, FMB52-, FMB53-, FMB70-, FMD77-, FMD78-, FMG50-, FMG60-, FMI51-, FMI52-, FMP50-, FMP51-, FMP52-, FMP53-
    , FMP54-, FMP55-, FMP56-, FMP57-, FMR50-, FMR51-, FMR52-, FMR53-, FMR54-, FMR56-, FMR57-, FMR60-, FMR62-, FMR67-, FQG60-, FQG62-, FS
    G60-, FSG61-, FTI51-, FTI52-, FTI55-, FTI56-, FTL41-, FTL50-, FTL50H-, FTL51-, FTL51B-, FTL51C-, FTL51H-, FTL70-, FTL71-, FTL80-, FT
    L81-, FTL85-, PMC51-, PMC71-, PMD55-, PMD75-, PMP51-, PMP55-, PMP71-, PMP75-
    Region: Europe
    Approval agency: BV
    Protection: Ex i

    • Metrologi

    Product family: Gammapilot, Strahlenschutzbehälter, Strahler, Accessory radiometry

    • Metrologi
    Russisk version - 10/2021
    New version available in English

    Product root: FHG65-, FHG66-, FMG50-, FQG60-, FQG61-, FQG62-, FQG63-, FQG66-, FSG60-, FSG61-
    Region: Kazakhstan
    Approvalagency: KazStandard
    Approval number: 1254
    Metrology type: Metrology

    • Metrologi

    Product family: Gammapilot, Gammapilot M, Strahlenschutzbehälter, Strahler, Accessory radiometry

    • Metrologi
    Russisk version - 04/2022
    New version available in English

    Product root: FHG65-, FHG66-, FMG50-, FMG60-, FQG60-, FQG61-, FQG62-,FQG63-, FQG66-, FSG60-, FSG61-
    Region: Belarus
    Approval agency: BELST
    Approval number: 15061
    Metrology type: Metrology