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Raman data library dashboard for real-time spectral data visualization

Raman data library software

Enhance productivity and ensure data integrity with customizable, user-friendly spectral analysis software

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Oversigt over specifikationer

  • Application Task

    Collect, view, store, retrieve, and archive data
    Real-time data import from Raman RunTime
    Process trending and visualization
    Project-oriented data organization
    Data matching for modeling prep
    Peak and region analysis with quantitative peak modeling
    Contextualized exports to chemometric programs
    cGxP version
    Spectral data traceability
    User management
    Electronic record keeping
    Electronic signatures
    Audit trail


Raman data library is an innovative software application designed to streamline spectral data visualization, analysis, and management for Raman spectroscopy. Ideal for various industries, this software supports compliance with regulatory standards, ensures data integrity, and reduces user error. It offers real-time monitoring, multi-analyzer control, and customizable templates for a seamless workflow, making it an indispensable tool for data analysts and process engineers alike. 

  • Spectral data visualization 

  • Compliance with 21 CFR part 11 guidelines

  • Multi-analyzer control

  • Data organization and retrieval

  • Peak and region trending

  • Export for advanced modeling


  • Intuitive interface: Facilitates quick user adoption and reduces learning curve

  • Real-time spectral visualization: Provides immediate insights into your processes with trend plots and peak

  • Customizable templates: Improves productivity and reduces user error with pre-structured data templates

  • Multi-analyzer control: Standardizes data collection and analysis from up to four Raman Rxn analyzers

  • Enhanced data security: Ensures data integrity with encryption and compliance with industry communication protocols

  • cGxP option: Centralized and affordable 21 CFR part 11 compliance supporting Raman scale up from the lab to cGMP

  • Raman-spektroskopi – avanceret optisk analyseteknologi

    Få bedre sikkerhed, produktkvalitet og effektivitet på jeres anlæg. Raman-spektroskopi måler sammensætningen og molekylestrukturen for jeres prøver i realtid fra laboratorie til proces.


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  • Designet til krævende applikationer

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