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Proline Promag W with 0 x DN full bore design

0 x DN full-bore design

Maximum measuring performance without pressure loss – independent of mounting location

The 0 x DN full-bore design for Proline Promag electromagnetic flowmeters from Endress+Hauser allows for reliable measurement independent of flow profile and mounting location. These devices are thus particularly suitable for installation in tight spaces, such as compact systems or skids, because they do not need any inlet or outlet runs.


  • More flexibility in terms of mounting

  • Independent of flow profile

  • No inlet or outlet runs needed

  • No tube restrictions and pressure loss

Unrestricted flow measurement

Pipe bends, insertion devices or other obstacles in the pipe can cause turbulence in the flow and lead to inaccurate measurements. Thanks to the 0 x DN full-bore design, our electromagnetic flowmeters (0 x DN full bore) continue to measure with high accuracy (±0.5%). The full-bore device design without restriction prevents any pressure loss and is available for pipes up to 3 meters in diameter. Find more information in our brochure!

The world's first electromagnetic flowmeter for unrestricted measurements


    Proline Promag W 300/400/500 0 x DN full bore

    Innovationsbrochure - Verdens første elektromagnetiske flowmåler til ubegrænset måling