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Liquiphant FTL43 – product picture

Liquiphant FTL43 – hygienic point level switch for liquids

Proven in the field, particularly compact and perfectly suitable for hygienic applications

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Oversigt over specifikationer

  • Process temperature

    -40 °C...+150 °C
    (-40 °F...+302 °F)

  • Process pressure / max. overpressure limit

    Vacuum...64 bar
    (Vacuum...928 psi)

  • Min. density of medium

    0.5 g/cm³ (25.0 lb/ft3)
    (0.4 g/cm³ (31.2 lb/ft3) optional)


The Liquiphant FTL43 is a point level switch for liquids and part of the Compact Line. The product line is especially developed for hygienic applications and combines compact design with full performance. The proven vibronic technology works reliably in all pumpable liquids, without media adjustment. The Liquiphant FTL43 is distinguished by its ease of use with plug & play functionality and a wide range of digital communication options.

Liquiphant FTL43 is used for point level detection in process and storage tanks as well as in pipelines.

Liquiphant FTL43 covers a wide range of hygienic applications:

  • Level detection in narrow skids and modules for various liquids

  • Pump dry run protection in pipes

  • Overfill protection in process tanks

  • Detection of media with different densities


  • Outstanding ease of use due to easy commissioning with plug & play functionality

  • Improved process and product safety through configuration integrity - a checksum algorithm (CRC) ensures that safety relevant parameters remain unchanged

  • Increased productivity thanks to traceable and documented on-demand verification without process interruption and continuous diagnostics with Heartbeat Technology

  • Documented compliance through certified hygienic design as well as proven material conformity and traceability

  • User-friendly operation with guided wizards and a wide range of digital communication options


  • Heartbeat Technology
    Smart instrumentering via Heartbeat Technology

    Ønsker du at give anlæggets ydeevne et boost og reducere omkostningerne? Vores udvalg inden for smart instrumentering med Heartbeat Technology tilbyder dybdegående instrumentindsigt, som sikrer omkostningseffektivitet og driftssikkerhed.

  • Digital kommunikation og integration

    Sømløs integration af vores feltenheder i automatiseringssystemerne hos mange producenter. Test af feltenheder i leverandøruafhængigt miljø. Understøttelse af åbne standarder.

  • IO-Link digital kommunikationsteknologi

    IO-Link-kommunikation hjælper med at digitalisere dit anlæg


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