Optimize plant efficiency, prevent damage, and reduce downtime in downstream cryogenic equipment
Detecting trace moisture in molecular sieve dryers is vital in natural gas, NGL and LNG production. Moisture damages downstream equipment, and if frozen, it can lead to 3-5 day production stops. Early detection of mol sieve bed breakthroughs and shortening the regeneration time of the mol sieve beds are top priorities. However, many H2O measurement technologies are maintenance intensive, slow to dry down and stabilize, and prone to contaminant interferences.
Save up to $230'000 per year
with less maintenance, downtime, and regeneration costs
Endress+Hauser’s TDLAS analyzer solution offers continuous, real-time moisture measurement with proven metrology that enables optimum dryer bed switching while optimizing energy consumption and molecular sieve life. Accurate H2O measurements that are immune to contaminant interferences prevent downstream asset damage. Our reliable analyzer measurements also decrease regeneration costs, reduce downtime and require minimal maintenance which lowers OPEX.
Endress+Hauser’s extensive experience in process automation gives a unique ability to provide our customers with turnkey installations and comprehensive solutions. Our patented differential TDLAS technology delivers reliable H2O measurement in molecular sieve dryers for fast and reliable control of natural gas dryer processes without contaminant interferences or maintenance burdens.
Reliable automation of natural gas, NGL and LNG processes and control
Near instantaneous (seconds) H2O monitoring
Negligeable interference with contaminants like methanol and other components
Robust measurement with non-contact sensor means minimum required maintenance
Hvad vi tilbyder
Receive rapid real-time measurements of H2O concentration in molecular sieve dryers to protect your downstream assets and minimize plant downtime. Endress+Hauser provides a total solution of hardware, software, and services to help you optimize...
Receive rapid real-time measurements of H2O concentration in molecular sieve dryers to protect your downstream assets and minimize plant downtime. Endress+Hauser provides a total solution of hardware, software, and services to help you optimize efficiency and lower the overall cost of ownership in your natural gas processing operation.
Måleplatforme til påfyldning og tømning i olie- og gasindustrien
Måleplatforme til påfyldning og tømning i olie- og gasindustrien
Udforsk Endress+Hausers løsninger til nøjagtig og sikker custody transfer af råolieprodukter fra lastvogne og tog i olie- og gasindustrien.
Tankmålingssystemer til olie- og gasindustrien
Tankmålingssystemer til olie- og gasindustrien
Få effektiv custody transfer og opbevaring af bulkvæsker i olie- og gasindustrien med tankmålingsløsninger fra Endress+Hauser.
Losning af væsker fra skibe i olie- og gasindustrien
Losning af væsker fra skibe i olie- og gasindustrien
Læs, hvordan løsninger fra Endress+Hauser giver effektiviteten et boost og forbedrer væsketømning fra tankskibe i olie- og gasindustrien.
Bunkringssystemer med masseflowmåler til søtransport af brændstof
Bunkringssystemer med masseflowmåler til søtransport af brændstof
Der pumpes dagligt enorme mængder bunkerbrændstof i brændstoftankene på skibsfartøjer. Selv den mindste unøjagtighed i målingen forårsager "huller i kassen". Vores løsning sikrer transparens.
Accurate wastewater effluent monitoring in Oil & Gas
Accurate wastewater effluent monitoring in Oil & Gas
Discover our monitoring solutions for oily wastewater and oily surface water that help you safely meet your refinery's regulatory discharge limits and reduce your operating costs.
Steam and Water Analysis System (SWAS) for Oil & Gas
Steam and Water Analysis System (SWAS) for Oil & Gas
How do you maintain the water quality of your steam generation? Discover our smart, reliable steam and water analysis systems (SWAS)!
Water monitoring for utilities in oil and gas production
Water monitoring for utilities in oil and gas production
Enable efficient, simple and compliant water quality monitoring for oil and gas processes with Endress+Hauser turnkey solutions.
World-class LNG tank gauging for the Oil and Gas industry
World-class LNG tank gauging for the Oil and Gas industry
Tank gauging and operational safety for LNG inventory management
Data collection and transmission at Oil and Gas terminals
Data collection and transmission at Oil and Gas terminals
Improving everything from inventory transparency to logistics at your Oil and Gas terminal
Coriolis-mastermålere til olieindustrien
Coriolis-mastermålere til olieindustrien
Læs, hvordan vores nøglefærdige mastermålere muliggør nem, hurtig og pålidelig kontrol af jeres toldmålere. Få maksimal nøjagtighed, overholdelse af gældende standarder og krav samt lavere driftsomkostninger.
Moisture analyzer for natural gas glycol dehydration
Moisture analyzer for natural gas glycol dehydration
See how the fast, reliable measurements of our TDLAS H2O analyzer enhance gas dehydration processes, sustaining compliance to quality specifications with increased throughput, safety, and efficiency.
H2S analyzer for natural gas sweetening
H2S analyzer for natural gas sweetening
Discover how Endress+Hauser H2S and CO2 analyzer solutions bring efficiency, lower costs, and greater long-term operational stability to the gas sweetening processes of the oil and gas industry.
Detection of H2O in natural gas pipelines
Detection of H2O in natural gas pipelines
Find out how Endress+Hauser’s TDLAS moisture measurement solutions help to optimize throughput in your natural gas pipeline while maximizing safety and uptime.
LNG composition measurement in truck loading
LNG composition measurement in truck loading
Find out how Raman measurement overcomes challenges to deliver consistently fast and accurate readings during LNG truck loading.
LNG composition measurement for baseload custody transfer
LNG composition measurement for baseload custody transfer
Learn how to accurately measure LNG composition during critical baseload custody transfers with reduced OPEX.
Detection of H2S in natural gas pipelines
Detection of H2S in natural gas pipelines
Discover how Endress+Hauser’s TDLAS H2S analyzers help to boost the safety of your natural gas pipeline network by preventing corrosion and minimizing explosion risk.
Monitoring of wash water from ship exhaust gas scrubbers
Monitoring of wash water from ship exhaust gas scrubbers
Do you or your customers need to monitor the wash water quality of a marine exhaust gas cleaning system (EGCS)? Discover our robust and compliant scrubber water monitoring system.
LNG composition measurement in tank run-down
LNG composition measurement in tank run-down
Discover how LNG composition measurement with Endress+Hauser Raman analyzer systems can optimize the liquefaction process and improve storage safety.
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