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Liquiline System CA80TN - Total nitrogen analyzer for precise online measurement according to HJ636

TN analyzer
Liquiline System CA80TN

Total nitrogen analyzer for environmental monitoring, industrial and municipal wastewater

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Oversigt over specifikationer

  • Measuring range

    0 to 10 mg/l N
    0 to 50 mg/l N
    0 to 200 mg/l N

  • Process temperature

    4 to 40 °C (39.2 to 104 °F)

  • Process pressure

    At atmospheric pressure, < 0.2 bar


Nitrogen is a lead parameter to determine surface water quality and wastewater effluent values. Both, organic and inorganic substances contribute to the total nitrogen load. Increased nitrogen contents indicate influences from wastewater, landfill leachate or agriculture.
Liquiline System CA80TN analyzer offers precise online measurement of total nitrogen and ensures highest process safety. Advanced diagnostics with remote access support you in providing process documentation to the authorities.

The Liquiline System TN analyzer monitors organic (e.g. proteins, urea) and inorganic (e.g. nitrate, nitrite, ammonium) nitrogen compounds in the following applications:

  • Inlet and outlet of wastewater treatment plants for documentation and calculation of the cleaning capacity

  • Discharges of industrial wastewater treatment plants to determine discharge fees and to support the polluter-pays-principle

  • Monitoring of surface water quality


  • Standardized alkaline persulfate digestion and UV-photometric measurement according to HJ636 offer direct comparability to most cuvette tests.

  • Robust: Titanium reactor with sapphire glass windows ensures a long lifetime.

  • Flexible: Integrated dilution module covers a wide measuring range.

  • Fast and easy process integration: Direct installation of self-priming version or y-strainer for bypass applications.

  • Easy upgrade to a complete measuring station - simply by adding modules and connecting Memosens sensors.


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