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The OUSBT66 NIR absorption sensor reliably monitors cell growth, biomass processes and algae systems

Cell growth and biomass sensor

Hygienic NIR absorption measurement in fermentation and crystallization applications

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26 dokumenter
    • Tekniske oplysninger (TI)


    • Tekniske oplysninger (TI)
    Engelsk version - 12/2022
    New version available in English

    NIR absorption sensor for the measurement of cell growth and biomass

    • Betjeningsvejledning (BA)


    • Betjeningsvejledning (BA)
    Dansk version - 12/2022
    New version available in English

    NIR-absorptionssensor til måling af cellevækst og biomasse

    • PU (udgivelse)

    Endress+Hauser - your one-source Life Sciences technology partner

    • PU (udgivelse)
    Engelsk version - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    Graphic highlighting why Endress+Hauser is trusted by the
    world's top biopharmaceutical manufacturers for its Life
    Sciences expertise and reliable inline, real-time measurement
    technologies like Raman spectroscopy systems (Raman Rxn2,
    Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve,
    flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and
    liquid analysis sensor technology (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and
    OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E,

    • PU (udgivelse)

    Prioritize scalability for an efficient biopharmaceutical product development lifecycle

    • PU (udgivelse)
    Engelsk version - 06/2024
    New version available in English

    This technical paper studies the importance of scalability as a
    competitive advantage in bioprocessing in the Life Science industry,
    and Endress+Hauser's scalable Raman systems (Raman Rxn2,
    Raman Rxn4, Rxn-10, Rxn-45, Rxn-46, bio multi optic and sleeve,
    flow cell and flow bench, Raman optic system for single use) and
    liquid analysis sensor technology and Liquid Analysis portfolio
    (Liquiline CM44P, CM442 and OUSAF44, OUSBT66 and
    Memosens CPS61E, CLS82E, COS81E, CLS82E).

    • PU (udgivelse)

    Lab-to-process monitoring & control in Life Sciences - Reliable measurement of bioprocess physical and chemical properties

    • PU (udgivelse)
    Engelsk version - 04/2024
    New version available in English

    A combined product list of analysis offerings from both Optical Analysis
    and LIquid Analysis for bioprocessing applications in the life science
    industry (including Raman Rxn2 analyzer, Raman Rxn4 analyzer,
    Rxn-10 probe, bio multi optic and bio sleeve, Raman flow assembly,
    Rxn-45 probe, Rxn-46 probe, Raman optic system for single use,
    Memosens CPS61E, Memosens COS81E, OUSBT66, Memosens CPS61E,
    Memosens CPS77E, Memosens CLS82E, OUSAF44, Memosens CPS11E,
    Memosens CLS16E, TOC Analyzer CA79, Liquiline transmitter platform, and
    Memobase software).

    • Aktivitetsfelter (FA)

    Kompetenz in der Flüssigkeitsanalyse

    • Aktivitetsfelter (FA)
    Tysk version - 09/2022
    New version available in English

    Vom Sensor bis zur schlüsselfertigen Komplettlösung

    • Aktivitetsfelter (FA)

    Sıvı analizinde uzmanlık

    • Aktivitetsfelter (FA)
    Tyrkisk version - 11/2023
    New version available in English

    Sensörlerden komple anahtar teslim çözümlere

    • Aktivitetsfelter (FA)

    Catálogo Portfolio Analítica

    • Aktivitetsfelter (FA)
    Spansk version - 01/2017
    New version available in English

    Desde sensores hasta soluciones completas

    • Aktivitetsfelter (FA)

    Jistota v analýze kapalin

    • Aktivitetsfelter (FA)
    Tjekkisk version - 01/2017
    New version available in English

    Od senzorů po kompletní dodávku na klíč

    • Aktivitetsfelter (FA)

    Esperti nell’analisi dei liquidi

    • Aktivitetsfelter (FA)
    Italiensk version - 01/2017
    New version available in English

    Dai sensori singoli a soluzioni
    complete “chiavi in mano”