Viomax CAS51D is a smart sensor that allows unattended operation in a wide range of process conditions in water, wastewater and utilities. It ensures continuous online measurements without any chemicals and it is extremely robust as well as low-maintenance thanks to its self-cleaning design. You can select the CAS51D as nitrate sensor or as sensor for SAC and several sumparameters. Thanks to Memosens digital technology, Viomax CAS51D offers high process and data integrity and is easy-to-use.
Viomax CAS51D measures nitrate, SAC or several sum parameters in drinking water, process water and wastewater applications as well as in the utilities sector:
Organic load or nitrate in inlet and outlet
Determination of CODeq, TOCeq, BODeq or DOCeq
Monitoring, control and optimization of treatment processes
Nitrate monitoring in the aeration basin and denitrification stage
Cost-effective: Easy, chemical-free handling is safe, environmentally friendly and saves on operational expenditure.
Extremely fast response time: Measured value processing in the sensor provides reliable real-time process information.
Fast and easy commissioning: Sensor comes precalibrated and preconfigured ex factory.
Enables unattended plant operation: Intelligent design and automatic air-cleaning functionality maximize availability and minimize maintenance.
Perfect adaption to open basins: Fast and flexible sensor positioning with Flexdip CYH112 holder and CYA112 assembly system.
Perfect adaption to pipes: Various flow cells allow easy plant integration.
TOC measurements are often performed using analyzers that require expensive reagents. The CAS51D enables the plant operators to comply with WHO requirements and guarantees tight measurement intervals.
Læs om, hvordan Heineken opfylder alle forordninger for at beskytte det brasilianske miljø med Viomax CAS51D digitalt nitrat eller SAC-sensoren fra Endress+Hauser.
AVR Waste in Botlek, Rotterdam, processes up to 1.7 million tons of residual waste per year. Discover how they optimized their pH measurement thanks to Endress+Hauser
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