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Modular TC or RTD industrial thermometer

iTHERM ModuLine TM151
Industrial modular thermometer

Metric RTD/TC thermometer with barstock thermowell for a wide range of industrial applications

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Oversigt over specifikationer

  • Accuracy

    Class AA acc. to IEC 60751
    Class A acc. to IEC 60751
    Class B acc. to IEC 60751
    Class special or standard acc. to ASTM E230
    Class 1 or 2 acc. to IEC 60584-2

  • Response time

    depending on configuration

  • Max. process pressure (static)

    depending on the configuration up to 500 bar

  • Operating temperature range

    PT100 TF iTHERM StrongSens:
    -50 °C ...500 °C
    (-58 °F ...932 °F)
    PT100 TF iTHERM QuickSens:
    -50 °C …200 °C
    (-58 °F …392 °F)
    PT100 WW:
    -200 °C ...600 °C
    (-328 °F ...1.112 °F)
    PT100 TF:
    -50 °C ...400 °C
    (-58 °F ...752 °F)
    Typ K:
    max. 1.100 °C
    (max. 2.012 °F)
    Typ J:
    max. 800 °C
    (max. 1.472 °F)
    Typ N:
    max. 1.100 °C
    (max. 2.012 °F)

  • Max. immersion length on request

    up to 1.500,0 mm (59,06'')


Modular industrial RTD or TC thermometer, complete with barstock thermowell or to be used with onsite thermowell. Available with Endress+Hauser temperature transmitters for enhanced accuracy and reliability - easy customizing by choosing the outputs and communication protocols. Optionally available with Bluetooth® connectivity. Thermometer featuring latest innovations such as iTHERM QuickNeck, and temperature sensor technologies like iTHERM QuickSens and iTHERM StrongSens.

  • Universal range of application

  • Measuring range: –200 to +1.100 °C (–328 to +2.012 °F)

  • Pressure range up to 500 bar (7.252 psi)

  • Vibration-resistant sensor element up to 60g

  • Improved ease of maintenance (sensor replacement without process shutdown), easy and safe recalibration of the measuring point


  • Second process seal with failure indication offering valuable device health status information

  • iTHERM QuickSens: fastest response times of 1.5 s for optimum process control

  • iTHERM StrongSens: unsurpassed vibration resistance (> 60g) for ultimate plant safety

  • iTHERM QuickNeck: cost and time savings thanks to simple, tool-free recalibration

  • Bluetooth® connectivity (optional)

  • International certification: explosion protection according to ATEX, IECEx, CSA C/US and CCC


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