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Liquiline Control CDC90 is an automatic cleaning and calibration system for pH and ORP sensors.

Cleaning and calibration system
Liquiline Control CDC90

Fully automatic system for pH and ORP measuring points in all industries

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The Liquiline Control CDC90 plug & play system automates Memosens pH and ORP measuring points in all industries. It cleans, calibrates and adjusts up to two sensors automatically, reducing maintenance effort, improving working safety in harmful areas and helping to ensure the yield and quality of your product. It can easily be integrated into existing plant infrastructures and allows convenient remote control of your measuring points via any process control system or mobile device.

Liquiline Control CDC90 automates pH and ORP measuring points in all industries. It is suitable for each application where:

  • The sensors must be cleaned and/or calibrated frequently.

  • The measuring point is difficult to access.

  • The measuring point is in a harmful environment.

  • The process requires reproducible precise pH measurement.

  • The process requires measurement at frequent intervals.

  • The performance of the measuring point must be controlled and documented frequently.


  • Increased occupational safety for your employees: Liquiline Control CDC90 reduces maintenance and servicing measures to a minimum – a decisive advantage, especially in difficult-to-access and hazardous environments.

  • With customizable cleaning and calibration cycles for up to two sensors, you can achieve high process reliability, product quality and optimum product yield. Blockages and soiling of the sensors are removed in good time.

  • Intelligent media distribution and dosing guarantees reproducible calibration results and ensures reliable measured values at all times.

  • Minimize operating costs by optimizing buffer and cleaning agent consumption at both measuring points. This is ensured by the sophisticated hydraulics of the Liquiline Control CDC90.

  • Seamless integration into your process control system with certified communication standards. Includes analog or digital signals as well as fieldbus: 0/4 ... 20 mA, PROFIBUS DP, Modbus TCP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, and web server technology.

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