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Cleanfit CPA871 is the flexible retractable process assembly for reliable operation.

Manual or automatic retractable assembly Cleanfit CPA871

Flexible process assembly for the water & wastewater and chemical industries

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Oversigt over specifikationer

  • Process temperature

    -10 to 140 °C (14 to 284 °F) for all materials except PVDF and conductive PVDF
    -10 to 100 / 90 °C (14 to 212 / 194 °F) for PVDF and conductive PVDF materials

  • Process pressure

    Stainless steel, Alloy C22, PEEK:
    16 bar up to 140 °C (232 psi up to 284 °F)
    PVDF, conductive PVDF:
    Basic version: 16 bar up to 100 °C (232 psi up to 212 °F)
    Immersion chamber version:
    4 bar to 90 °C (58 psi up to 194 °F)


Cleanfit CPA871 guarantees the highest operational safety in both standard and demanding applications. Its intelligent functions prevent any leakage of medium during operation, cleaning or calibration, offering optimum protection of the process and operating personnel. The retractable assembly flexibly adapts to your application. Be it long immersion depths in sticky media, aggressive environments or hazardous areas, you choose the right material and specification to suit your application.

Cleanfit CPA871 is a retractable assembly for pH, ORP, oxygen and NIR sensors with a diameter of 12 mm and 120/225/360 mm lengths.

It has been developed for the highest safety in:

  • Water & wastewater industry (including seawater applications)

  • Chemical industry

  • Oil & gas industry

  • Power & energy industry

  • Hazardous areas


  • Highest operational safety: Intelligent functions prevent the assembly from moving into the process without sensor and the sensor from moving out of the process while it is in measuring position.

  • Suitable for demanding applications: The optional immersion chamber eliminates problems due to sticky media.

  • Robust assembly design: The steel support housing guarantees mechanical stability.

  • Flexible adaption to your process: A wide variety of process connections and wetted materials are available, even for corrosive media or hazardous areas.

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  • Standardprodukter

  • Pålidelige og robuste med lav vedligeholdelse

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  • Funktionelle og praktiske

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  • Specialiserede produkter

  • Designet til krævende applikationer

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